Your High-end Paving. Insider Tips for Maintaining It

High-end paving like Bosun

Maintaining high-end paving materials, like Bosun, requires a combination of regular care and specialized techniques to preserve their pristine appearance and longevity. Here are some insider tips and tricks:

  1. Regular Cleaning Schedule: Establish a routine cleaning schedule to prevent dirt, debris, and stains from accumulating on the surface of luxury paving materials. Sweep or use a leaf blower to remove loose debris regularly.
  2. Gentle Cleaning Methods: Avoid harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaning tools that can damage the surface of high-end paving materials. Instead, use mild detergent solutions or specialized cleaners formulated for the specific type of material.
  3. Pressure Washing Precautions: If using a pressure washer, adjust the pressure to a low setting and maintain a safe distance from the surface to prevent etching or pitting. Use a wide-angle nozzle to distribute the pressure evenly and avoid concentrating it in one area.
  4. Spot Cleaning Stains Promptly: Attend to spills or stains immediately to prevent them from setting into the paving material. Blot up liquid spills with a clean cloth and gently scrub stains with a soft-bristled brush and mild detergent solution.
  5. Sealing for Protection: Apply a high-quality sealant or protective coating to your high-end paving materials to enhance their durability and resistance to stains, moisture, and UV damage. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for application frequency and technique.
  6. Weed and Moss Prevention: Regularly inspect the joints and seams of paving materials for signs of weed growth or moss accumulation. Use a weed killer or herbicidal soap to eradicate weeds, and manually remove moss with a stiff brush or scraper.
  7. Avoid Chemical Damage: Be cautious when using fertilizers, pesticides, or de-icing agents near luxury paving materials, as certain chemicals can cause discoloration or deterioration. Use organic alternatives whenever possible, and rinse the surface thoroughly after applying chemical treatments.
  8. Protective Measures for Heavy Traffic Areas: Place mats or rugs at entry points to high-traffic areas to prevent abrasive particles from scratching the surface of luxury paving materials. Consider installing walk-off mats or pavers with textured surfaces in heavily used areas.
  9. Regular Inspection and Maintenance: Conduct periodic inspections of your paving materials to identify any signs of damage, wear, or deterioration. Address any issues promptly to prevent further damage and extend the lifespan of the paving.
  10. Professional Maintenance Services: Invest in professional maintenance services from experienced contractors, like PavingCleaners, specializing in luxury paving materials. Professional cleaning, sealing, and restoration techniques can rejuvenate the appearance of the paving and ensure long-term durability.

By following these insider tips and tricks for maintaining high-end paving materials, property owners can preserve the beauty and elegance of their outdoor spaces while maximizing the lifespan of their investment.

How Mold Can Affect Your Family Health

Stairway full of mold

Many property owners ignore it, some take it as part of greening your yard. Few are aware that any type of household mold can create serious health risks to their family. It is so serious that it warrants immediate action when you see it grow on the surface of the concrete. The best way in mold prevention is by regular driveway cleaning, which can help to manage the problem. How does health and mold relate?


Mold spores can cause many types of health risks, especially to those susceptible to allergies and respiratory problems. They can cause inflammatory rashes, headaches, and other flu-like symptoms. If anyone in the house is experiencing these symptoms it may be an indicator of mold. So have your house professionally inspected because mold can be deceiving. You don’t have to see it for it to exist. Most of the mold is not obvious (dark black splotches, rotting grey), it is invisible and hides in some areas. In your pavement, it can be slippery when wet, thus causing preventable injuries. This is more critical for the elderly and infirm. According to the US Council of Aging, every 19 minutes, an elderly person dies from a fall. So, it is important to have it checked and treated at least once a year. Just as you treat your car to a valet, your house needs it too!


Mold is often caused by excess condensation or sitting water, and often occurs after flooding or leakage. The first step in mold prevention is home inspection & remediation, to identify and fix any leaks and remove any standing water. Also, you may want to seal your concrete by using special products that are out on the market. To prevent condensation, add extra insulation and create plenty of circulation in dark, damp areas like basements and garages. Use fans, dehumidifiers, or other ventilation systems to avoid moisture build-up.

Basements generate concrete mold, so it may be best not to carpet since it easily builds up in the fibers. Make sure all piping and gutter systems are properly working so water is always diverted away from the house. It may be ideal to put plastic over crawlspaces leading to a basement, to prevent ground-level water from coming in. Also, avoid storing papers, clothing, or other forms of “mold fodder” in these danker areas.

Before and After treatment

Removing Mold

Most concrete mold can be cleaned with strong solutions of bleach, which come with their own risks and irritations. And even after using cleaning products, a lot of it may still be able to thrive in those spaces. Therefore, the best way to get rid of it is to call professional contractors like us. We inspect and treat such problem areas to prevent unnecessary future buildup. Call us now at Tel 010534 8472

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